Saturday, October 12, 2024

2024 Hainesport 12-Hour
A Pain in the Ankle

It all started in early August when I felt a sharp twinge in my left ankle, the same one that sidelined me for several months during the winter of 2022-23. I immediately backed off my training, stopped running, and power walked to keep my fitness. As much as possible I tried to follow what the orthopedist had prescribed. It felt better after a few weeks, so I cautiously added easy jogging to my routine. Everything seemed to be progressing well until I added some intensity. Then it was back to square one again. After another month wearing an ankle brace and limiting myself to moderate walking with roughly an hour limit, I realized I had to increase the duration if I was to have any chance to race at Hainesport. I managed a couple two hour plus walks and some doubles to increase time on my feet. It was enough that I decided it was worth the time and expense to race. With unsupported hopes that I could walk 50K I made my plans, but feared I was being overly optimistic and might only be able to reach 15-20 miles.

The drive to the host hotel went smoothly. I didn't get lost on this trip. It was a short walk to Cracker Barrel for dinner. After a short after dinner walk, I relaxed, set the alarm, and tried to get as much sleep as I could, which usually isn't much the night before a race. In the morning I missed a turn and took longer to get to the race than planned, but still in plenty of time to find a good spot to set my chair and bags. I wandered around for a while greeting friends before settling onto my chair to get off my feet since there was still over a half hour before the start.

Knowing I planned to walk the entire time, I positioned myself well back at the start. I was a little surprised that I wasn't last by the end of the first lap, but apparently there were slower walkers than me. The first lap was a little faster than anticipated at 16:43, but I quickly settled into a steady pace of about 17:30 per .9913 mile lap, about 17:40 per mile. I took a brief break after 12 laps to give my ankle a rest. When I resumed walking, it was at a slower pace and I was beginning to feel some stress on my ankle. I took a longer break to see if that might help, but by the time I was finishing my 17th lap, I was noticeably limping. I sat and pondered the situation for about 40 minutes before deciding it was too risky to continue, that doing so would probably cause more damage to my ankle and jeopardize my race plans for the rest of the year. I notified the timing crew and picked up my medal. My final distance was 16.85 miles in 5:22:26 placing me 41st of 44 runners, not at all what I had hoped to do, though close to what I realistically expected if I was being realistic.

The remainder of the racing year is still uncertain. Much depends on how my ankle recovers in the following week(s). I've been hoping I would be able to justify a trip to Georgia for The Stinger 12 Hour in November, since this is the last year that race will be held. Reluctantly I'm also scratching a couple of 24 hour races I was contemplating. Racing 24 hours will have to be delayed until next Spring at the earliest. That will also push back my plans for a 48 hour race and an attempt to reach 100 miles and earn a buckle.